Voices carry weight. People read writing. I bring this up for a couple reasons, first meetings in business and second for the unconnected. If you are not in the meeting that decides something, you will not have a say. We are in the earliest stages of planning a new project at work. The project is so early that we are not even having meetings, we are sitting around desks talking about it. A couple times I have sat in on these discussions and added my fraction of an opinion on the subject. I know that whatever the decisions ultimately are I will end up with hundreds of hours of work from the simple decisions made in these low-key meetings. It is the same even with established projects, being in the meeting, and sometimes sitting at the table instead of around the edge of the room, allows a debate to happen. You do not have to win every debate, and often between choices A, B and C the differences are minute and unnoticeable to the end users, so it can be hard to even call it a debate. Yet the point is, speaking up and having a say is the only way that your ideas will be heard. Without communication, and your ideas, why are you here?
Second, the unconnected people of this world that do not have a say. Slowly it seems more people are having a say about the reality of their worlds. This is good, that the pervasiveness of the Internet is giving ever smaller global stakeholders a chance to say "that's not fair!" That is something, giving recognition and awareness of the plight of the poorest that I am passionate about. What I mean is, I hope that I can help those less fortunate than myself to have a voice, a heard opinion, rather than continuing in their world separate from my world. Global means everyone, not just engineers and MBAs.
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