- A piece of food falls on the floor. Should I pick it up and throw it away or leave it, perhaps several days, for the janitor?
- A customer wants information about something. Should I give the customer the information if I have what he or she requests?
- The customer is happy with only X. Do we offer the customer X and Y even though the customer has not asked for Y?
Coaching is going well overall. People are setting personal records, workouts and being done, including a massive 8200 meter 30 minute tempo this week on the outdoor track. It is very rewarding to see the athletes progress, both in performance on the track and also in maturity off the track. The path we are trying to follow is a tough one. It is personal, it is difficult, personalities clash, old friends leave and new egos arrive.
What else happened? Frankly, after running in the morning, or just going to work, then running in the evening, going home and eating supper, and finally taking a shower I don't have much energy left, even if I do want to socialize with others face to face more, it's easy to lay around at home. That being said, I'm working on something. It will be a surprise. It will be easily shareable and considering most of the people I know who tell me they read this blog, I think you will find it interesting. Plus, I feel that if enough people see it, someone will use the idea to improve her or his life. Here is a hint, I am struggling with a significant detail of it, a graphing problem. Honestly, that will not help you guess at all.
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