2000: no recorded miles. In track they had the 3200 for the first time and I ran that just about every meet. I got beat by a few girls because they ran us together sometimes. During the fall I didn't even know about cross country but I rode my new mountain bike about 16 miles 3-5 times per week.
2001: 185 recorded miles. The first day of track practice in high school was the first time I had ever run five miles. After the run the three distance freshmen sat in the locker room with exhausted blotchy faces, sore legs, and blisters. Who would guess that two of us would go on to run in college and do moderately well. I think I ran like 12:36 for the 3200? It was my first cross country season and I ran 5th on the team with I think an 18:54 PR I think. I do remember running 11:54 at the two mile in that race and thinking that I just PR'd in the two mile in a 5k.
2002: 972 miles. I trained in January for a half marathon and ran and hiked some over the summer I don't remember my track times but in cross country I turned in an 18:33 5k at regionals.
2003: 776 miles. I had a great track season despite running very few miles I PR'd in the 1600 at 5:03 and 3200 at 11:06. In cross country I managed to run 18:26 at the state cross country meet. Unfortunately I trained too hard in xc and was burnt out leading into 2004.
2004: 545 miles. I didn't run hardly at all that winter because xc had destroyed me. Track turned out to be a loss as I only ran 5:06 and 11:18. I was too tired. I quit running for six months July 4th after a local 5k didn't run more than three steps until January 4th 2005.
2005: 1410 miles. After running alone for two months I was itching to get back running with a team so I joined the track team at WPI and lost two 5000s and two 1500s running 19:07ish and 4:50s. Check the archives if you don't believe me. That summer I didn't run very much but I did a lot of hiking at 8000 feet in New Mexico and came into xc season and ran in the 30s most races with a 30:12 PR at UMD. I also ran a 20 mile run over october break because I was in decent shape and I wanted to see if I could. This was also the start of the first indoor track season I have ever had which started with me running a 4:59.85 mile at the first meet of indoor. I finally had enough consistency to break 5! That was probably the single biggest moment in my running because now looked farther ahead to faster times and I was beginning to understand how to train better.
2006: 2011 miles. This was the year of my 15 consecutive PRs. despite some minor injuries I managed to put up my first 70 mile week with a friend of mine over spring break and run some times I considered fast during outdoor track including breaking 17 in the 5k which was another huge development: 4:22 1500, 16:37 5000, 34:57 10,000. The first time I broke 17 I PR'd in the 3000 and 3200 along the way. I again spent the summer at 8000 feet in New Mexico and ran a few more miles and hiked a lot more than previous years. In cross country I ran 28:58 in Institute Park at the Worcester City Meet and was legitimately on varsity.
2007: 2827 miles. In indoor track I brought my PRs down to 4:44 mile, 9:25 3000, and 16:25 5000. I was in Costa Rica for outdoor track so I trained for a half marathon and despite only two months of moderate training I ran a 1:19:50 which is just over 6 flat pace. This was the first summer that I trained running and I got up to over 80 mile weeks. In xc I ran a PR 27:34 at the New England meet.
2008: 2523 miles. The year started great with my first 90 mile week then indoor times of 4:38 mile, 9:02 3000, and 16:03 5000. Outdoor was also good with a 4:15 1500 and a 32:58 10,000. Breaking 33 in the 10,000 had been my main goal all year. To accomplish that was very nice. I followed it up with a summer of high mileage at 9000 feet in Colorado including my first 100 mile week. Unfortunately, in the second workout of xc we were doing hills and I tore my plantar and had plantar fasciitis that ultimately derailed all aspirations for my last year of eligibility.
2009: The jury is still out read my running log for more information. Estimated mileage is around 2000 because of planter fasciitis and taking the summer off to go to Pakistan.
2001: 185 recorded miles. The first day of track practice in high school was the first time I had ever run five miles. After the run the three distance freshmen sat in the locker room with exhausted blotchy faces, sore legs, and blisters. Who would guess that two of us would go on to run in college and do moderately well. I think I ran like 12:36 for the 3200? It was my first cross country season and I ran 5th on the team with I think an 18:54 PR I think. I do remember running 11:54 at the two mile in that race and thinking that I just PR'd in the two mile in a 5k.
2002: 972 miles. I trained in January for a half marathon and ran and hiked some over the summer I don't remember my track times but in cross country I turned in an 18:33 5k at regionals.
2003: 776 miles. I had a great track season despite running very few miles I PR'd in the 1600 at 5:03 and 3200 at 11:06. In cross country I managed to run 18:26 at the state cross country meet. Unfortunately I trained too hard in xc and was burnt out leading into 2004.
2004: 545 miles. I didn't run hardly at all that winter because xc had destroyed me. Track turned out to be a loss as I only ran 5:06 and 11:18. I was too tired. I quit running for six months July 4th after a local 5k didn't run more than three steps until January 4th 2005.
2005: 1410 miles. After running alone for two months I was itching to get back running with a team so I joined the track team at WPI and lost two 5000s and two 1500s running 19:07ish and 4:50s. Check the archives if you don't believe me. That summer I didn't run very much but I did a lot of hiking at 8000 feet in New Mexico and came into xc season and ran in the 30s most races with a 30:12 PR at UMD. I also ran a 20 mile run over october break because I was in decent shape and I wanted to see if I could. This was also the start of the first indoor track season I have ever had which started with me running a 4:59.85 mile at the first meet of indoor. I finally had enough consistency to break 5! That was probably the single biggest moment in my running because now looked farther ahead to faster times and I was beginning to understand how to train better.
2006: 2011 miles. This was the year of my 15 consecutive PRs. despite some minor injuries I managed to put up my first 70 mile week with a friend of mine over spring break and run some times I considered fast during outdoor track including breaking 17 in the 5k which was another huge development: 4:22 1500, 16:37 5000, 34:57 10,000. The first time I broke 17 I PR'd in the 3000 and 3200 along the way. I again spent the summer at 8000 feet in New Mexico and ran a few more miles and hiked a lot more than previous years. In cross country I ran 28:58 in Institute Park at the Worcester City Meet and was legitimately on varsity.
2007: 2827 miles. In indoor track I brought my PRs down to 4:44 mile, 9:25 3000, and 16:25 5000. I was in Costa Rica for outdoor track so I trained for a half marathon and despite only two months of moderate training I ran a 1:19:50 which is just over 6 flat pace. This was the first summer that I trained running and I got up to over 80 mile weeks. In xc I ran a PR 27:34 at the New England meet.
2008: 2523 miles. The year started great with my first 90 mile week then indoor times of 4:38 mile, 9:02 3000, and 16:03 5000. Outdoor was also good with a 4:15 1500 and a 32:58 10,000. Breaking 33 in the 10,000 had been my main goal all year. To accomplish that was very nice. I followed it up with a summer of high mileage at 9000 feet in Colorado including my first 100 mile week. Unfortunately, in the second workout of xc we were doing hills and I tore my plantar and had plantar fasciitis that ultimately derailed all aspirations for my last year of eligibility.
2009: The jury is still out read my running log for more information. Estimated mileage is around 2000 because of planter fasciitis and taking the summer off to go to Pakistan.
The moral of the story is that my major PRs come in years after a year where I increase my mileage. Of course this has a limit but I am not there yet. For example I PR'd in 2007 in part because I ran more miles in 2006 than in 2005. Also, I'm only going to have about 2000 miles in 2009. I realize that this is taking a very long term look at races that are only several seconds different than each other but it is interesting how I have only PR'd the year after I cut mileage in the fall of 2005.
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