Another week is passed, another week that will never return. It's strange. I mean in some respects I feel like I am wasting time doing what I am doing, and then I wonder what else exactly I should be doing and this seems like the best thing for me now.
Work has been up and down. Fires one day and boredom the next. As we approach a significant milestone in out product development, and none of us have legitimately been through a project this big before, the criticality of every issue wavers between a show stopper and something we aren't going to change for six months. Those two options require polar opposite reactions of needing to do immediately, and putting off for some unknown amount of time. It's interesting. As I continue to read about program management and organization structure compared to what I am experiencing, it is very interesting.
Running went rather well. I had a nice big 11 mile tempo workout at 5:52 pace on Wednesday, which was my only workout in this 82 mile week. I also took a day off to recover. This routine of one day off every two weeks is working really well for me. I was aiming to race a half marathon on Saturday, or at least run a workout, but I was too tired so I slept 11 hours Friday night and then just did another recovery run Saturday. Recovery is so important.
Otherwise, I went to the movie Fury Saturday night, skipping all Halloween festivities, except bringing food to work. I rarely go to the movies, and I enjoyed Fury. It is a little on the romantic side of war movies, although it does have it's very serious aspects.
In space it was a pretty terrible week. Orbital Sciences had a noncritical supply mission to the International Space Station (ISS) have issues and was destroyed by mission control. Not good. Then on Friday SpaceShip 2 basically blew up and one pilot died. After doing an hour of research on hybrid rocket engines this weekend, I have a lot less confidence in the technology than I do a well built liquid fuel rocket engine. That being said, the Soyuz, the "safest" large rocket with the best record had two failures back in 2011. Space is hard.
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