I was only in Iowa part of the week. I spent a lovely three days in Arizona with my family this weekend. That was surely the highlight. Before I celebrate that time, let me first discuss the usual business.
I worked 35 hours of random projects. We have not had anything incredibly pressing the last week or two so we are tackling some of the more tedious projects that still need to be done. I suppose that tackling some of these projects through finite element analysis does save the company money, but one project I am working on would take all of two hours to do in real life, but will take me a week. On the other hand, if it failed in a real test, then there would be a significant amount of work to be done to fix it, more than a week. Business is continually interesting.
I was only at track practice a handful of days this week, but I was there for the workouts. It's strange having two jobs. I don't think I have ever had two jobs, at least two jobs that pay more than $20 a month. It's good I like working. I get to do the analytical numerical work during the day then do some socializing, exercising, and supervising in the afternoon.
I ran 72 miles including two tempos, a set of short hills, 4x600 at 3k pace, and a desert run that was simple terrible. My legs were stabbed by cacti over and over. I scraped my legs. 32 hours later I pulled a 3/8 inch long cactus needle out of my left quad. It's the kind of situation where I pulled it out after running ten miles on it that day, swimming, showering twice, and living my life, yet I had this significant sharp object in my leg.
On the investing side, I sold my positions in GTAT and GRVY for a 9% and 25% profit in short term gains. Had I held GRVY one week longer I would had been able to cash out a 50% profit, but I don't want to be greedy.
Arizona was a bundle of fun. I spent time with my parents and grandparents. The younger three went hiking at Agua Fria National Monument (cacti land), and all five went to a number of restaurants. I went swimming, spent some time with my skin in the sun, and went car shopping. I test drove a Mini and stopped by the Land Rover and Porsche dealerships. It's fun to dream...
The older I get the more I value my family. You only get one. I suppose that this is part of the process of life, growing up, mourning over a lack of deep relationships, appreciating what you do have. I am so fortunate! I am so blessed!
We are so blessed to have you!