In the income searching world: I branched out this week and applied for professional blogging and freelance jobs. I already heard back from one organization asking for a more detailed proposal. I think in total I applied for seven jobs mostly writing jobs.
In terms of my own starting a company or licensing something I put in a request for quote with for ice axes. I also invented a harness and built an athletic tape prototype. The plan is to sew one, not weight bearing but looking weight bearing. Create a provisional patent and one page selling sheet. Then approach all the major climbing companies simontaneously. If there are no takers I'm not sure what I'll do next.
Another thing that kind of makes me laugh is when people tell me "If you can't find a job what are the rest of us supposed to do?" I am getting this exact line more than once a week. Well we are all different and knowing my friends I would expect most of them to get a job before I do. Honestly, I think I intimidate people. I think between my running and mountaineering and patents companies don't know what to do with me.
In the social and "I wish I got paid for this" realm: I finally got my weekly mileage back to 100 after four weeks around 90. There were even some decent workouts in there. In fact running in flat Gunnison and almost sea level Sedona is so easy compared to hilly Evergreen.
On Thursday I left for two days in Gunnison then a few days in Sedonna. So I am typing on my iPhone with my thumbs on an extended network right now so excuse the brevity. What I lack in words the last few days and next few days I am more than making up for in inspiration. I'm going to do a relationship post! It will have to wait until I have better internet access but it will be interesting.
While in gunnison I did a bunch of fun stuff. I stayed at my friends house and met their two roomates who both climb harder than I do and I may take a spring break climbing trip with them. They were amazed by Pakistan. They also took me ice and mixed climbing. Wow, am I weak and out of practice now... Then we had a humdinger. Like I said, much inspiration for future articles.
Saturday was filled with a harrowing drive over lizzard head pass in a snowstorm then down to Sedona, Arizona. One great thing about old people is that they can tell you things that younger people just have no idea about. Again, more inspiration for future articles.
Have a good spring break with your friends.