In terms of this upcoming week, I am joining a high school robotics team. Apparently they could use some help that I might be able to offer in the next several weeks. Additionally there is at least one engineer advisor for the team who works for a company I am fond of...
So while I have not netted the interview I want yet, I do have three upcoming meetings, of sorts, with people who may know people. Isn't the whole "it's not what you know but who you know" game fun?
In the rest of my life: I ran 90 miles. I was tired most of the week kind of destressing or at least trying and that entailed a lot of sleeping. I had two workouts and my first race at altitude. All three went worse than I had hoped. I did play video games but not as much as last week. I spent some time reading one of the books I bought. I did spend some money on three pitons and a water bottle with a hand holder for running. I went backcountry skiing on Monday. Round trip we were only out for five hours and two of that was driving and nice trail hiking. Still no rock, ice or alpine climbing although I think that perhaps I might get out this week or weekend and do something. In short, I could be doing all of this in just about any state.
Money. It is frustrating. I want to find a place where I can have fun making money. I think that far in the future, years down the road when I have other stressful problems that I will handle them well. This unemployment and these seemingly massive debts of mine are just another stressful challenge I have to overcome. I survived a night and snow storm at 23,050 and seven weeks in Pakistan. I finished my thesis after thinking about it just about every waking hour of the day for months. There are other somewhat stressful situations I have conquered in the past and this one is nothing terribly different. So because most of you who read this are my friends and family, thank you for supporting me because I can not do what I do alone. Of course it seems like the end of the world now but in time things will work out and I shall be where I am supposed to be. Even if that means running across the country for more than three years like Forrest Gump... (It's an option.)
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