Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I Quit Assistant Cross Country and Track and Field Coaching at the University of Dubuque

I quit my coaching job at UD. Oh it was tough! I am terrible at quitting things. I usually pursue things long past my usefulness. The reality was coaching was just stressing me out and I wasn't being as good at it as I would like. It involves rushing out of work every school day, arriving at practice most days late. Then it means giving up 20-25 Saturdays a year traveling around the Midwest for meets. When you spend all day Saturday traveling and watching races, it's really really hard to do something like visit my family or take a weekend trip of any kind. Plus, as strange as it seems, running with the college team is not good for my own training, because it is not the volume I thrive on or the workouts I need to excel.

My parents were in town Friday night and as I was telling them about the situation they were not surprised. In fact, they apparently have wondered how I had the ability to develop any sort of relationship with as much stuff as I do. Of course, they are my parents so they worry about me in general. Well, wonder no longer, I just came into a lot of free time.

There are other issues both significant and minor that played a role in this decision that took over a year to make. As I was reading online articles about when to quit, this one I read like seventh got me. Jeff Stibel wrote, "If you clicked on this article, the time to quit is now. ...The fact is that once you start looking for advice about leaving, you already have one foot out the door."

There is a lot of upside to this decision. I will be sure to do a few things this coming year that I would not have had the chance had I been coaching.

The last three years coaching have been great! I have learned so much. I hope that I communicated some life lessons to the athletes I worked with, as well as helping them run better of course. It is the student athletes I will miss the most. They are why I stuck with it so long. The demand for good coaching and good mentoring is so high. I had so many good coaching growing up I hope that I was able to pay that generosity forward.

1 comment:

  1. You will be missed Coach! Personally, I will miss you a lot! However, I understand that you did what is best for you at this time and that this was a tough choice. You indeed helped me with some life decision I have had to make throughout the time that I have been in college. I hope that where ever life takes you, that you are happy and that you continue to push and motivate others around you as well as grow further as a person and athlete Thank you Coach! I will always remember that you were there at the end and the start of most of my PR races including one I will never forget that involved a shoe and the longest race of my life! Hopefully I still see you around town!


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