Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Last Pass

The Last 4000+ Meter Pass on My 2014 Nepal Experience
This is the last pass we crossed. The view was tremendous. Only half an hour later we were on dirt and in the fog, never to cross the snow and ice again on this trip. It was over.

It was bittersweet. Happy to be returning safe and sound to home and family, but a big disappointment to not even take a step above base camp. This picture, for me, really sums up the experience. On the right you have the relationships formed and memories made. In the middle you have the steep rocky and snowy mountains that I came to play in and on. On the left you have the valley, the path toward home and all of the loved ones that don't go to places like this. I realize to most people, it's a just a picture of a far away place with more scenery, that all looks the same. For me, being there and taking the picture, everything this moment represented was a symbol to remember.

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