Sunday: Pretty standard, church and 10 mile run followed by mostly laying around.
Monday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so no work, I ordered boots and a down suit and went out to lunch and ran a bit.
Tuesday: A blur at work of meetings and designs followed by a sore knee so I only ran for eight minutes.
Wednesday: Another rush at work followed by a quick grinding by my skilled dentist and a better run.
Thursday: The most intense work day of the week. We are behind schedule. It's not my fault, and my projects are actually more on schedule than some others, but overall, it's slow going. Did 2x3mile workout after work, longest workout probably since October and had a massage. Could not fall asleep, went to bed at 8:45, fell asleep well after 11.
Friday: A better day at work as one of my projects was made considerably smaller and another design was nearly completed. Then off to a chiropractor to see about my knee pain. A nice shorter run after work and a meal at Texas Roadhouse discussing, among other things, attrition.
Saturday: The usual 15 hours total track meet and bus travel, which means I did nothing else of consequence the entire day.
Honestly, I only worked four days, but it felt like six.
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